Thursday 31 December 2015



Our love is unconditional..nobody can predict. 
We fight, we love, we cry... that how our love grow and become stronger like concrete.

Today is a second year we celebrate New Year together... in God name more year ahead will come. 

Pray for us and our praying also will stay forever with you. That all we need. 
We have so many difference but we also have so much more similarities.
That is a gift from MyLord. Thanks a lot God. 
I felt so blessed when i received this precious gift from you myLord.
Am very thankful, until i can't describe it with words.

Thanks myhubby because stay by my side when nobody was.
Im so blessed to have you in my life. Please never leave me. You know how much i love you to hold my hand and never let it go. 

I pray to God so that we will never apart. Amen.


Wednesday 30 December 2015


only one day left to thank 2015....

So many memories we created through this year 2015. Either good or in between still we holding hands and get through together. You are my handsome hubby in my lifetime. Thanks because you always there when nobody was. Im very thankful to God.

Even i'm a very stupid women in this planet still you smile look at me and fight with me. That is our private journey were nobody will understand.

Everyday in my heart i pray to God to keep us together till end. Am just can't imagine how to breath if you not there.

Lets go through all this obstacles together and never apart. Keep the trust and support each other till our hair become white and till our teeth gone and till God say stop.

we are coming from different culture and country but still we are human and we know what is love mean.  Before start we already clear what obstacles is waiting but still we carry on until this stage...

Even tough but our love is more stronger and pure.

Hopefully this year will be our year and life will settle peacefully.

Amen. #01.13am

Friday 25 December 2015


Times flies very fast... This year is our second year celebrate Christmas together... will more year to come...God bless our love story.

On 23/12/15 our very good friend undergo major operation. Thanks to God its succeed. God is great.

On 24/12/15 is our baby Jesu 2year birthday celebration. Thanks to God we celebrate together even in Hospital, still we thankful to God.

Only 5 days left we will going to 2016 ..... 2015 give me chance to experience so many love and encourage me from so many ways until i feel so blessed even at the worse situation.

After go through so many chapter i know live is not easy.... the more you cry the more you got lesson and grow.... its life. Thanks to God.

Hopefully 2016 all our plan will be achieve and success.

about love..yes i'm blessed and happy. Thanks to God.

God bless all of us with good health and happiness. AMEN

Saturday 12 December 2015


Sesuatu yang sangat menyedihkan apabila kita tahu, one part of our body need to remove.

My handsome, bestfriend disahkan ada kidney stone dan harus menjalankan operations secepatnya bagi membuang right kidney dia.

We are too shocked.

Dalam nama Tuhan Yesus saya berdoa agar dia diberi kekuatan dan cepat sembuh. Tuhan maha mengetahui.

Friday 11 December 2015

12/12/2015 @ Saturday

Bercinta dan saling mempercayai adalah resam.

Sebagai insan yang bercinta dan belum mempunyai ikatan yang sah. Jagalah diri. Terutamanya kaum perempuan. Sebagai permpuan,terlalu banyak cabaran dalam memastikan diri kita terjaga dan tidak tercemar.

Bila saya tengok adik perempuan saya membesar dan tidak pernah jauh dari pandangan mata ibubapa, saya jadi risau apabila terfikir yang satu hari nanti mereka juga akan merantau seperti saya dan kenal macam-macam orang. Saya selalu berdoa kepada Tuhan agar mereka selalu dijauhi daripada  mata-mata jahat dan niat manusia yang tidak bagus.

Genap 5 tahun hidup merantau di negari orang dan jauh daripada keluarga yang selalu menegur dan memerhati kita. Memang mencabar dan penuh dengan onak duri yang tidak mampu digambarkan dengan perkataan.

Syukur puji Tuhan pahit manis perjalanan yang saya lalui semuanya dipayungi dengan cinta kasih Tuhan Yesus.

Biarpun kerap kali menangis tapi dari tangisan itu terlahirnya kekuatan yang luar biasa dan hanya Tuhan Yesus yang mengerti.

Pejalanan seorang wanita di kota metropolitan dan penuh dengan budaya yang menghancurkan. Disana banyak mengajar diri ini erti batas dalam pergaulan dan pertuturan. Tiada insan yang automatically kuat tanpa melalui jalan yang berduri.

Tuhan Yesus mengerti. Sampai satu ketika apabila saya tidak terdaya untuk mengharungi jalan yang berduri Dia datangkan saya seseorang yang mengerti dan boleh menjadi sahabat, brother dan pelindung serta teman hidup yang istimewa untuk diri ini. Terima kasih Bapa di syurga.

Sekarang saya boleh tersenyum dan terus berdoa agar keselesaan ini berpanjangan dan akan terus menemani saya hingga ke hari tua.

Tiada manusia yang sempurna, cuma yang ada adalah istimewa. Dan My.Handsome adalah satu daripada mereka.

Hampir 2 dekad memandang antara satu sama lain akhirnya sampai ke detik kami berjanji untuk terus setia memandang antara satu sama lain dan tidak akan ada yang ketiga. Janji termetrai antara dua hati. Disana semuanya bermula. Terima Kasih Bapa di syurga. Untuk Saat yang indah ini.

Kukuhkan rasa kepercayaan antara kami Tuhan Yesus biarpun beribu batu jauhnya, tetapi tetapkan hati kami untuk terus bersama. Indah dalam berkat Tuhan adalah rahmat yang sangat indah.

Jaga Mata,hati dan perlakuan kami Tuhan Yesus.


Saturday 5 December 2015


yesterday my handsome fly back to his town... i miss my handsome

Hopefully this visit can bring good news to us and in God hand i leave everything.

Saturday 7 November 2015

08 Novemebr 2015

Hari ni, hubby saya dengan his brother going party from they company at Sunway Resort.

They have lucky draw. His friends got ipad mini. When they come home they didn't mentioned who won that. His friends announce that my hubby won that and he gave to his wife as a present. The minutes his friends said my hubby won that i'm so excited and very happy. But the minutes my hubby mentioned yes that is a present from him to his friend wife.

Omg! can't imagine my feeling. Everything become one. In my mind is am very happy so that my hubby can have new mobile so he no need to struggle with his spoiled mobile now.

But i never thoughts they a lying. Actually my hubby friend is the one who won that. I'm too embarrassing because over react at the moment they tell us about that news.

I'm too disappointed + embarrassing ++++

After that my mood totally changed.

One more thing is, even if my hubby is the one who won that. It's no point actually because he will volunteer give that things to them. Its always happened. No surprise for me. I just can be disappointed and angry, nothing else.

I can't get free gift from everywhere because at the end it will not be mine. At the end, all will belong to them never be mine.

Friday 6 November 2015


Masa berlalu terlalu cepat. Now is November. Felt like, yesterday only we celebrate new year 2015.

Di saat kita sedar masa berlalu terlalu cepat saat itu tanpa kita sedari masa kita semakin singkat. Usia semakin meningkat dan banyak benda yang kita masih belum lakukan dan tunaikan.

Hanya Tuhan mengerti kependekan masa di bumi ini.

Terlalu banyak masa yang ada dan kita habiskan untuk sesuatu yang sia-sia. Saat ini, pada usia ini kita terjaga selepas mimpi panjang yang boleh dikategori sebagai membazir tanpa hasil yang berguna dan bermanafaat untuk diri dan insan lain di sekitar.

Macam baru semalam rasanya saya belari-lari , berkejar-kejar dengan adik-beradik yang lain di rumah papan yang usang di sebuah kampung yang kecil di negeri di bawah bayu.  Saat ini semuanya sudah berlalu dan hanya memori yang mampu diimbas dengan air mata yang sangat murah mengalir apabila terkenangkan kenangan indah antar kami 10 orang adik-beradik yang dibanjiri dengan kasih sayang daripada kedua Raja dan Ratu hati kami. Biarpun tidak dibanjiri dengan wang ringgit dan kesenangan tapi kami tidak pernah menangisi kehidupan ini.

Esok abang saya akan officially menamatkan zaman bujangnya dengan wanita tanah seberang(Indonesia).

Dari jauh saya mendoakan kebahagian mereka. Semoga perjalanan rumahtangan mereka   akan dimurahi dan dilimpahi dengan berkat dan kesihatan yang baik dan cinta yang kukuh.

Biarpun banyak kesusahan yang dialami sebelum majlis mereka berlangsung tetapi mereka terus kuat dan puji Tuhan mereka berjaya sampai ke tahap yang diberkati dan direstui agama serta orang terdekat.

Selamat pengantin baru 1st Brother, you deserved good and understanding partner to be your wife and obviously always be you side no matter what. ... God bless your new journey with blossom flower and brighter fireworks. I love you to the moon and back. Be good husband and understanding best friend to your only wife.

Friday 30 October 2015

31 oct 2015 ( New place to be landing)

Feeling very down . My office environment since day 1 she join its so unhealthy for me huhu..

Whenever am going office start Monday until Friday ... that feeling i always had before its gone.
Don't have any excitement anymore. Its like fog fly with wind.

Everyday my day pack with PRESSURE. Since enter office until she gone back. I'm just too comfortable with my box before and now DoNGKEY come and kick it until almost all broke and scratched everywhere.

Now i trying my best to landing at another land where can i fit myself and earning good compare now. But i hopefully comfort zone i will get soon will make me grow fast and yes!
Absolutely... it will not be hurting me that much.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Holy matrimony...Dress

This is the design i love and Yes colour is white ...

shoulder must be covered half .... exactly like this 

1) first choice...Hairdo for holy matrimony at church 
 2) 2nd choice...this hairdo style for wed at church... 

3)...this hairdo style for wed at church... This look princess right hehe... i love it so much..
this hairdo should be style on evening time during brideGroom welcome guest on the entrance...

This hairband is for my cute Flower Girlsss...gorgeous siblings and cousins ....

this hairdo is for cutting cake ceremony. stunning and pretty cool...

My Fav design and decoration for my wed

Selected Design for my wed
1) That white colour i will make it light purple and Love will make it red and on the top is wed trophy. 

 2) This is how i want my wed cake will be decoration and places. below the three cake is candle or light, so it will look more romantic and yes awesome + stunning

3) Look at the cupcakes its cute isn't?? hehe.. i want exactly like that but colour for   must be purple light and red ➳♥

4) Decorations  look grand and glamorous ... white colour cake and that love make it red and light purple and on the top is wed trophy...

5) this is what i want to see final ... that white colour cake i will change it to light purple and that love i will make it less and make it red colour and the ribbon i will change it to flower or round2 chocolate ... its will look very perfect.

6)... this decoration and shape i really falling in love deep.. deep hehe White cake obviously i will make it light purple and that love will make it red and on the top is wed trophy and surrounding the trophy will put that love with sticks ..... can you imagine???? haha
7) ok... this is cute and look very pure and awesome and obviously look more baby hehe...
i like so much.... can u imagine i put wed trophy on the top and cupcakes and flower is around the cake and candle in glass... very romantic
8) this the first design and decoration i selected but it become last after i saw so many design and decoration... but! its still i love its simple but look very decent and nice and cute....

Monday 19 October 2015

19 10 2015

I hope my hubby dream will come true. In God name nothing is impossible.

We share dream together. We are very good from heart. God knows that very well.


When my life is stable and all people around me especially my parents and all peoples i love is healthy and happy, One i really want to have is elderly nursing home or for kids who don't have family.

I love people a lots. My hubby also support my dream because we share same dream.

Friday 16 October 2015

17 OCT 2015

Serious telling, i'm crazy this type of mobile nowdays, its too cutee!!!!
will do survey as soon as possible, so end of this month i will own mine hehehe (>‿♥)

The moment i falling in love with this type of gadget its when have so many blink2 + light and stunning by look while we answering call. Omg! 

I really want to make it mine even one!

Thursday 15 October 2015

15 oct 2015

Sesuatu yang indah tidak akan datang dengan mudah. Perjalanan yang dilalui penuh dengan liku dan duri yang kadangkala membuatkan kita manusia biasa, tersungkur, disakiti, rasa terhina, rendah diri dan terasing.

Jangan pernah menyesali. Kerana itu semua adalah proses pembentukan pribadi yang kuat dan kalis.

Tidak semua manusia merasai dan mengalami apa yang kita alami. Jangan bandingkan apa yang anda miliki dan apa yang insan lain tidak miliki.

Pasti ada perbezaan. Kerana Tuhan mencipta kita juga berbeza sifat dan bentuk. Tetapi di mata Dia(Tuhan) kita tetap sama. Cuma dia mata sesama manusia kita kelihataan berbeza.

Jangan menghakimi.Kita bukan orang yang layak.

Saling mendoakan itu yang terbaik.

Saturday 10 October 2015

11 oct 2015

1st SPARTAN in Asia!!!

i'm SPARTAN finisher!! Venue Setia Alam, Selangor @ 10 OCT 2015 (Saturday)

It's a very awesome experience i have.
Walking in Mud its really look like buffalo. 
All body sticky with mud without water to clean. 
With hot weather + haze + feverish + running nose + coughing 
With 3 water station only with 25+ Obstacles + almost 1km Walking in Jungle.
Its really test my stamina and patience. 
After all the Obstacles myself only leave this...

Its too high for me. I cant even reach the things. I'm little upset actually. 

But yes!! this is a very great and awesome event, for sure i will again participate in future. 

Thanks a lot for the experience i earn. 

Thursday 8 October 2015


since came back from holiday i got feverish and running nose + cough.

Today finally FEVER. Again take MC because my hubby ask me to take enough rest for tomorrow Spartan event.

Hopefully after this weekend i will be ok. Because next month my office will shift to another building. So many backlog i have, and need my attention immediately before shifting.

Day by day i don't have any interested to going office anymore. Environment at office really not healthy adding weather outside full of haze huhu!

Really spoiled, when mix it become pancakes! damn!

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Ketabahan dan kesukaran

manusia biasa hanya mampu merancang tapi tidak semestinya apa yang dirancang akan menjadi.

Percayalah vacation without plan lagi bagus daripada plan and et the end tidak menjadi.

Apa yang pasti masa depan yang cerah haruslah di mulai dengan perancangan yang rapi dan boleh dikategorikan sempurna, agar masa depan terjamin biarpun ada risiko untuk gagal tapi 
sekurang-kurangnya kita sudah buat yang terbaik. 

Menangis di belakang hari tidak berguna sekiranya kita buat sambil lewa. 

Memang tidak ada guna menyesal apabila nasi sudah menjadi bubur  tapi itulah lumrah manusia. Belajar daripada kesilapan dan kegagalan.

Itulah diri saya. Tapi still tidak pandai berubah-ubah huhu!

Saya hanya ingin kedepan dan tidak akan menoleh lagi. Ini pilihan saya, dan saya tidak pernah menyesal. Tuhan itu adil dan sudah pasti Dia tidak akan memberi cobaan melebihi daripada kemampuan hambanya. 

Oleh kerana saya kuat dan tabah, sekarang saya masih mampu ketawa dan melangkah biarpun terasa sangat terbeban dan ya! saya kuat. Terima kasih Tuhan Yesus.

Saya akan terus bersyukur biarpun ianya sukar dan sangat berbelit-belit. 

Kesukaran adalah proses menuju kejayaan dan pembentukan mental dan fizikal yang kuat dan tabah.

Sesuatu yang indah tidak akan datang dengan mudah. 

Amen, dalam nama Yesus.


We are back to normal life, after long holiday. 1 till 6 oct we are out from KL.

Everything its going good there during holiday and e-day.

But for all the memory there now i need to pay high price and that its pride of my family and my self. Its hurt so much. Only God understand that. He's not wrong. Totally not wrong. Only thing is we are really different. Culture, mindset, view, thought, food, skin and even cloths we wear and water we drink and place we brought up.

I never expected its will be like that. He's full of anger. Everything happen there he took as a negative and insult. Just now he told me everything ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀. What he felt and what he have spent and doing there all is insult for him.

Its not culture but its because my mistake bring him there.

I'm happy for everything he have done for my whole family i'm totally thankful to God. But that its from my own feeling not him.

Its too late already if we want to do u-turn.

Money its always a problem for a relationship. It's not only our relationship but for every relationship.

He said i'm changed 360%.

Relationship will be better and perfect once we stop comparing to others and stop finding the mistake and deficiency.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

30 sept 2015@07.44am

Tomorrow is the day... stomach is full with butterflies now. Nervous + excited.....

i'm coming home! i'm coming home! hehe

God please bless our journey tomorrow. Make everything fine at your way and bless us.

Whatever tension we have now please make us strong and relax. In your hand i leave everything.

Today i'm apply halfday. Packing still not settle. omg!

Monday 28 September 2015

29 sept 2015

only 1 days left... Please pray hopefully everything going good and full of blessing.

In God hand i leave everything. Through prayer i tell God how nervous and excited i'm.

"This is forever i make this Vow to you. 
With you i already know am home. 
I'm complete with you myHubby. 
This i promise you."

We already plan everything, Now what we as a human doing is pray to God so everything will going smooth and full with joy and happiness. 

Bless this wonderful plan God. 
In your hand we leave everything.



Not all the people we call friends its a real friends who you can trust and believe.

Out of 10 maybe only one or 0. That what happening on me. I trust to much and respect until its become bully or disrespectfully.

I hate this type of person. In front you they are good until step on the ant also not die. huhu!


Friday 25 September 2015

Prime Ministers of Malaysia

MLC for Sungei Muda, 1955–1959
MP for Kuala Kedah, 1959–1973
The first Prime Minister of Malaysia. The formation of Malaysia was one of Abdul Rahman's greatest achievements. He is often referred to as Father of Independence (Bapa Kemerdekaan) and Father of Malaysia (Bapa Malaysia)


MLC for Semantan, 1955–1959
MP for Pekan, 1959–1976
The second Prime Minister of Malaysia. The youngest to be elected in the office, at the age of 48. He is referred to as Father of Development (Bapa Pembangunan)

MP for Johore Bahru Timor, 1971–1974
MP for Sri Gading, 1974–1981

The third Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is referred to as Father of Unity (Bapa Perpaduan)

Mahathir Mohamad(1925–)
MP for
 Kubang Pasu Barat, 1964–1969
MP for Kubang Pasu, 1974–2004

The fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia. He is the longest-serving Prime Minister of Malaysia. He led the BN into 5 consecutive election victories. He is referred to as Father of Modernisation (Bapa Pemodenan)

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
MP for Kepala Batas, 1978–2013

The fifth Prime Minister of Malaysia. The oldest to be elected in the office, at the age of 64. He is referred to as Father of Human Capital Development (Bapa Pembangunan Modal Insan)

Najib Razak
MP for Pekan, 1976–1982,
since 1986

The sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia. Prior to his appointment as PM, he served as Deputy Prime Minister (2004–2009), Minister of Defence, Minister of Education, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports. He is referred to as Father of Transformation (Bapa Transformasi)