Wednesday 6 May 2015


Sampai satu ketika kita akan bertanya pada hati. ADAKAH keputusan yang kita buat ini betul. 
Sampai satu ketika kita juga akan rasa penyesalan daripada keputusan yang kita buat.
Sampai satu ketika kita juga akan merasa apa yang kita buat adalah betul.
Cuma kita kena kuat. 
Jangan pernah menangisi apa yang telah terjadi dan keputusan yang kita buat.
Menangis tidak salah. Langsung tidak ada salahnya.
Suatu ketika dulu, terlalu banyak mimpi yang terukir di minda ini.
Sampai tak tercapai dek fikiran.

Live in Village is a very good choice but I choose to be here.
Now with all tears and pain. Nobody knows. 
I was a fighter. No tears no fear. 
But today......
only GOD knows how weak i am.
Pretend to be a very strong WOMEN. 
But INSIDE.....BURN ..destroyed.
until one time i'm feeling like really can't even breath properly. 
Have something blocking inside.
Even people around smiling but who's knows inside they mind.
They laughing on my stupidity and innocent thinking and life.
They give me help..they be nice on me talk nicely but all is just because sympathy. 
i learn from my mistake my experience ... 
But still have somebody trying they best to make me down and loss my confidence and my SELF.
I'm just too stupid and blind to accept the fact that i can't stand in this situation anymore. 
It's really destroy my SELF from inside until nothing left at the end.
Love and trust is everything i want from him.
I'm just too tired to be a fool.

GOD what is your plan. 
if i'm just to weak for all the test please hold my hand tight.
He is the only one i want to lead me and make me happy until my last breath in your land.
Please hear my prayers.
Im just too weak without his VOICE, smile, joke and smell and everything.
I'm just too in love with Him. 
I'm not a perfect girl for him but He is the one who can make me perfect in my imperfections.
He just too hate me now. I come to his life and make him too tense and become his burden. 
I know that very clear. He always remain me. How Stupid i am, How uGLY i am. 
I try my very best to not do any mistakes. But i really don't understand he too negative about me. 
i didn't do any wrong behind him. In GOD name i can really swear. 

God please lead Both of us to be a very good match, with chemistry and understanding and trust and LOVE.

you are a very GOOD listener. 

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