Thursday 28 May 2015

All about rule and own rule making by unprofessional fellow in this world

I would like to share some issue today. Lets spend your time to read guys. For a kind  information am Malaysia Nationality and my bf is India Nationality.

Topic:>>>>>#Embassy of india in, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Today 29/05/2015. Early in the morning i went to Embassy of india in, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with my bf. He lost his passport on Friday last week. Between his office and house is around five minute walking. Around this area his passport is lost. Saturday morning, three of us went to Travers Police Station in  this address (1, Jalan Selangor, Federal Hill, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur. ) 

We launch a police report. First the officer told us to go to 7th Floor to meet a special branch for a passport lost. After get a letter from the special branch they ask us to launch a police report downstairs. We make a police report, and on monday only we can get a receipt for the police report and after get a receipt only we can go to India Embassy to issue a new passport. So we wait monday to coming. 

On Monday my bf find out what he should bring before go to Embassy of India K.L, (My bf called one of the officer from INDIA) so they ask him to provide them a company letter and with some others documents that he already prepared. On the same day he request his HR company to prepare a letter and same day, he went to embassy of India in KL to enquiry them about his passport if somebody have pass or found his passport and leave to them, around 1.30pm he reached there but the security didn't allowed him to enter because the security said they officer only see people 9am- 11am ONLY. So he failed to check either they found his passport or not at that day. He return to office only and waiting until his HR pass his letter. 

 On Wednesday, HR pass him the letter. At the same day,my bf went to India Embassy, KL. For enquiry about his passport and to do a application for the new passport. Fees for new passport is MYR548.50 60pages. At the same time India Embassy staff will call him once have somebody pass or found his passport. They have give us a receipt for the payment also. 

Yesterday Thursday,he received a call from India Embassy, KL. They informed him that his passport is found, somebody have pass his passport to them. So TODAY early in the morning we come there to collect his old passport and to cancel the new passport application. Mean money will be return or they will deduct money if something they already done the process and balance will be return right. BUT the officer said no money will be return. Once money we give to India Government BSL (3Rd party) mean no refundable even ONE CENT. 

The OFFICER who attend to us also is really unprofessional at all. This the conversation between my bf and the fat officers.

Officer: You indian(nationality) and am also indian(nationality), you know indian government right? Once money is transferred mean you will never get it back. 

(in my mind that time is "government mean all of you who work in government only", who like to make your own rule.) Impossible India rule is like that.  I can enquiry India Prime Ministry for the prove. 

My bf: Its a matter of time you can deduct what ever service you have done but the balance please return to me. Yesterday you called me and informed about my passport it already found and now you said money can refund. So what ever process your site have done you can deduct from the fees i had done. please consider. Impossible MYR548.50 is gone like that only. New passport also still not ready yet. What process your site done. 

The officer keep saying cant refund. Omg! its 548.50MYR. The officer also said we cant refundable your money but we only can issue a new passport for you. Cancel the old passport and issue they new passport with 60 pages. It will take 10days working days and after that for visa also we need to apply for the new one. Do you understand guys????

Its really unreasonable!!! you know guys at the middle of our conversation the officer gone almost an hour and nobody sitting  at front counter to attend us. Just gone and it showing how unprofessional they are. 

They really showing how bad the government workers attitude is. I can said i can put them under my foot and press until shattering.

Am just too disappointed. This kind of officers will really make they own country look bad at others people eyes. Really embarrassing. Corrupt without shame. OMG.

#INDIA #Embassy #Malaysia #high #Commission #public #embarrassing

Friday 8 May 2015

020 Vaginal Birth

here she done . Normal delivery

Birth in Nature: Natural Birth

such a brave women. 
she done that.
I watched this video almost 3 times.. and i still feeling pain and scared.
SHE is such a very very brave heart. 


“M” is for the million things she gave me,
“O” means only that she’s growing old,
“T” is for the tears she shed to save me,
“H” is for her heart of purest gold;
“E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
“R” means right, and right she’ll always be,
Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER,”
A word that means the world to me


Since Wednesday until today i'm feeling very weak. My all body omg! feeling very pain. I don't know what happened.
Last night I got High Fever.
Now again am feeling pain, my whole body.
What happened to me God.
Am i ok??
Whatever sickness i have, please make me strong and cure me God.
I have so many dream to achieved.
So many good people around me. I don't want to make them worried especially my family and my Love One.

Already two days i didn't go office. 
Yesterday EL and today is MC.
Thanks to my BOS. She is really understanding person. 
I'm so lucky to be work under her.
God bless my BOS. 

Today is Mother day.. HAPPY MOTHER DAY tO my MAMA. SHe is a very amazing mama. Nobody can compare her stronger heart.
She is the person who don't sleep when one of her 10 kids not feeling well. 
I'm a very proud daughter of u mama.
i Love u till heaven. 

HAPPY MOTHER DAYS also to both my sisters who already become mom for they kids.
Also to my hubby MOM and his sister. 

Give them happiness who nobody can replace.
give them all the nice moment in life. 

If my turn will be celebrate as a mother next year.. I'm so blessed. will thanks to god first of all.

Can't wait the moment to come.
Just keep praying to God. 

Thursday 7 May 2015


Rasanya senyuman macam dah betul2 lesap. 
Cuma masa yang mampu menentukan arah kemana dan di mana kapal ini akan karam. 
Hati memang sukar menerima tetapi percayalah ianya menangis.

Wednesday 6 May 2015


Sampai satu ketika kita akan bertanya pada hati. ADAKAH keputusan yang kita buat ini betul. 
Sampai satu ketika kita juga akan rasa penyesalan daripada keputusan yang kita buat.
Sampai satu ketika kita juga akan merasa apa yang kita buat adalah betul.
Cuma kita kena kuat. 
Jangan pernah menangisi apa yang telah terjadi dan keputusan yang kita buat.
Menangis tidak salah. Langsung tidak ada salahnya.
Suatu ketika dulu, terlalu banyak mimpi yang terukir di minda ini.
Sampai tak tercapai dek fikiran.

Live in Village is a very good choice but I choose to be here.
Now with all tears and pain. Nobody knows. 
I was a fighter. No tears no fear. 
But today......
only GOD knows how weak i am.
Pretend to be a very strong WOMEN. 
But INSIDE.....BURN ..destroyed.
until one time i'm feeling like really can't even breath properly. 
Have something blocking inside.
Even people around smiling but who's knows inside they mind.
They laughing on my stupidity and innocent thinking and life.
They give me help..they be nice on me talk nicely but all is just because sympathy. 
i learn from my mistake my experience ... 
But still have somebody trying they best to make me down and loss my confidence and my SELF.
I'm just too stupid and blind to accept the fact that i can't stand in this situation anymore. 
It's really destroy my SELF from inside until nothing left at the end.
Love and trust is everything i want from him.
I'm just too tired to be a fool.

GOD what is your plan. 
if i'm just to weak for all the test please hold my hand tight.
He is the only one i want to lead me and make me happy until my last breath in your land.
Please hear my prayers.
Im just too weak without his VOICE, smile, joke and smell and everything.
I'm just too in love with Him. 
I'm not a perfect girl for him but He is the one who can make me perfect in my imperfections.
He just too hate me now. I come to his life and make him too tense and become his burden. 
I know that very clear. He always remain me. How Stupid i am, How uGLY i am. 
I try my very best to not do any mistakes. But i really don't understand he too negative about me. 
i didn't do any wrong behind him. In GOD name i can really swear. 

God please lead Both of us to be a very good match, with chemistry and understanding and trust and LOVE.

you are a very GOOD listener. 

too attach n its really make me crazy worried

#07/05/2015 #Thursday #04.08am #malaysia
Tuhan lindungi dia di mana pun dia berada. Hati saya sangat risau.
Entah dia tengah tidur atau sedang berjaga saya tak tahu. 
Satu yang saya tahu dan pasti saat ini saya masih berjaga dan sangat risaukan dia.
Lindungi dia dari segala bahaya Tuhan. Dalam NamaMu saya percaya. 
Dalam nama Yesus saya sangat sayangkan dia Tidak pernah terlintas di fikiran ini untuk bergembira tanpa dia disisi.
Segala masa depan  semuanya saya dambakan hanya bersama dia. 
Biarpun tentangan dan cabaraan serta cobaan yang menanti dan sedang kami tempuhi saat ini sangat getir tapi saya percaya cinta antara kami lebih utuh. 
Berkati Cinta ini Tuhan.
Tunjukan kami jalan untuk kedepan.
Permudahkan segala yang sukar dan sulit. 
Tiada yang lebih mengetahui melainkan engkau.
Dalam nama Yesus yang satu saya memohon dengan rendah hati.

Sunday 3 May 2015


Kapalai Island, SEMPORNA

Sipadan Island

Pom Pom Island Resort is a luxury private dive resort located 35 miles from Semporna.

 Lankayan Island,Sabah 
Sapi Island is only 15 min by boat ride from Kota Kinabalu City.

Manukan island

Pulau Tiga, sabah

Saturday 2 May 2015

joUrney to get a small happiness

Perjalanan untuk mengecapi bahagia tidak semudah yang disangka dan diimpikan. Cobaan tidak pernah putus. Selalu saja diiringi dengan air mata. Bahagia yang sekejap tidak pernah akan kekal. Panas tidak selalu sampai ke petang.  Mesti akan hujan di tengah hari. Berbahagia dan bersyukurlah biarpun ianya cuma sekejap.
Tersenyumlah wahai hati yang pernah terluka dan akan terus terluka. Hidup akan selalu penuh dengan kelukaan tapi teruslah kuat dan kuat. 

Friday 1 May 2015

traditional costume

This is our traditional costume from SABAH.
My mom is from Penampang.
My dad is from Tambunan.
So for my big day i will use either one of this.